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Zoom API integration on WordPress

Zoom API integration on WordPress has never been easier now. Have you wondered if you would be able to use your zoom account directly from your website ? Try Video Conferencing with Zoom API plugin for WordPress which enables you to create meeting and show them directly on your WordPress dashboard. Easy right ? Wait till you check out more features on this updated plugin. After version 3.0 plugin now supports many reliable features for end users as well as customizations for developers if need be.

Updated: November 21, 2019

Check out how to configure your API keys.

Manage Zoom Live meetings directly via Custom Post Type:

With new update,  you can now create new meetings and link them to your zoom meetings directly and show them on your frontend. After you create your meeting on wp-admin. You will see below output on frontend. Customize this view according your needs as well. Read along on how to in below sections. PLEASE FLUSH YOUR PERMALINKS from settings > permalinks and hit save. If your single and archive pages dont work for you.

Zoom Frontend Join Page

Override Frontend Templates:

Integration to Zoom API on WordPress. You can now override frontend templates according to your needs via your child theme or your theme which you are using.

  1. Goto wp-content/plugins/video-conferencing-with-zoom-api/templates
  2. Goto your active theme folder to create new folder. Create a folder such as yourtheme/video-conferencing-zoom/{template-file.php}
  3. Replace template-file.php with the file you need to override.

Simple right ?

Join Links and Start Links:

With new update users can now directly join meeting from the meetings single page view. If you an author and logged in then you can start the meeting as well, directly from the frontend.


Show new posts to Author Only:

Video Conferencing with Zoom API plugin now allows you to view your meetings only to logged in users or so. Flexibility is needed here so, considering to add roles in the future as well.

Changed Shortcode view:

Previously, shortcode had to be written in complex way that some people would not feel reliable for this specific plugin. With new update its pretty easy to remember. Just do [zoom_api_link meeting_id=”777149123″] and baam ! it should work as expected, unless your meeting is expired lol !


Also, now you can change shortcode templates if you would like to change the layout. Follow heading “Override Frontend Templates” above and find “templates/shortcode” folder.

Meeting Countdown Timer:

Now, with the new update – Users will be able to see the countdown timer to meeting start. This will allow users to know when the meeting with start exactly based on the given timeline.

Developer Feature to Assign Host ID:

Add VIDEO_CONFERENCING_HOST_ASSIGN_PAGE constant without quotes to your wp-config.php file.

For example:


Although, these are the major updates, there are many bug fixes to new version and unnecessary query fetches removed. More improvements are coming along. However, not limiting to compatibility issues such as:

  • Enabling direct integration of meetings for LearnDash or any LMS plugins.
  • Enabling functionality to extend meeting links to other post types.
  • Separation of container to manage all meetings from one place on the wp-admin

Give love, or show support if you like the work so far. ! Drop an email to me for suggestions and documentation correction as well as tips !

Demo Video


wordpress plugin
zoom api
zoom call
zoom conferencing